2nd Annual Cross Watershed Network (XWN) Peer-to-Peer Sharing Workshop
On October 15 -16, 2014, approximately sixty-five people attended the 2nd Annual Cross Watershed Network (XWN) Peer-to-Peer Sharing Workshop in Escalante, UT. Billed as “A capacity-building workshop for practitioners from watersheds across the arid West to connect with and learn from each other”, the XWN Workshop covered a variety of topics in small-group breakout sessions, classroom settings, and field trips.
The XWN workshop provided a great opportunity to listen to experts, share information, and participate in relevant discussions with colleagues, new and old, and to take away from the experience new conservation tools to apply to our watershed restoration work. It was rewarding, from the ERWP perspective, to successfully host a workshop of this magnitude and to be able to showcase some of our on-the-ground restoration work with fellow practitioners. The 2014 Watershed Network (XWN) Peer-to-Peer Sharing Workshop was hosted by Escalante River Watershed Partnership, Walton Family Foundation, Terra Foundation, The Nature Conservancy (Utah Chapter), Environmental Dispute Resolution Program, (the University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law), ESRI Press, and the Utah Conservation Corps.